A good hairdresser can provide a valuable opportunity to connect with their clients and influence their social life, they can also help people feel more comfortable with themselves. Although many professions are financially rewarding, the haircutting industry is emotionally pleasing which allows people to feel valued and admired. This intention motivates the NK residents to take the course.
The training program haircutting course in NK is a registered program of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to nurture and develop the technical and vocational skills of the residents. Thus, an institutional assessment was conducted on July 13-14, 2022 to evaluate the acquired skills of the clients, followed by the skills training graduation on August 10, 2022.
The objective of the assessment is to help the participants improve their skills and knowledge in haircutting courses. It will also determine their competency level through a performance-based evaluation.
Also, participants who will be identified as proficient haircutters will receive certificates of completion during the skills training graduation while those who showcased outstanding performance will be given recognition and tokens of appreciation.
Before the assessment, Ms. Imelda Salvador Project Development Officer conducted a safety check on the venue. She examined the equipment and materials that will be used during the evaluation and made sure the assessor and trainer follows the guidelines and policies of TESDA. The participants were given instructions on what to expect during the course and how to demonstrate their skills. They were also required to complete a self-assessment guide that will help them determine their level of expertise.
Meanwhile, hairdressing models joined and shared their time during the assessment, these individuals are NK staff namely Lilybeth Petrollado, Glenda Barcillo, Roselle Magno, Minerva Matias, and Melisa Pusod. The models energized the confidence of the participants by extending their warm participation during the activity.
Moreover, the evaluator monitored the performance of the participants while assessing their expertise under pressure. The second day of the assessment featured different types of popular male haircuts which are prominent to the young generation.
Male staff and other residents of NK spared their time and participated in the assessment. Most of the models were satisfied with the services provided by the participants.
After the evaluation, the critic congratulates all the efficient candidates along with a recommendation to take the National Assessment for the recognition in Human Resource Management (NC II) administered by TESDA.
The Center and Residential Care Facilities of the Department provide programs and training beneficial to the rehabilitation and recovery of the residents. These initiatives in cooperation with partner agencies aim to develop the full potential and skills of the beneficiaries in preparation for their reintegration into the community.