In celebration of this year’s International Day of Families and in strengthening the Department’s Character Building Program, the Department of Social Welfare and Development in the National Capital Region (DSWD-NCR) conducted its first ever Character Music Festival last Friday, May 24, 2013.
The Music Festival featured performances of employees of the Field Office, its Centers and Institutions who competed in group and individual singing contests.
In the individual category, songs were original compositions of the staff and the songs featured the character traits identified in the Character Building Program, while in the group category, performances were a medley of songs with live accompaniment and composed of 15-20 members.
Ms. Princess Mae Artienda, Houseparent I from Elsie Gaches Village and representativeof the centers in the south cluster,won the first prize in the individual singing category while in the group category, the north cluster, composed of NVRC, RSW, GRACES and RSCC won the first prize.
Photo shows the performers from the north cluster, together with (first row from the top) DSWD-NCR Regional Director Ma. Alicia S. Bonoan, (third from left),Ms. Edna J. Sacedor, head of NVRC and Asst. Regional Director Jacel J. Paguio.
The judges (top photo) are (from left) Mr.NiloBanay, DSWD Central Office Chorale Conductor;Ms. Shayne Marie Ignas, Worship Leader of Life Source Mission Movement; and Ms.JerusaCorpuz, PCSO Chorale member (fifth from left).###