“We should celebrate and protect all women of color and look beyond what the eyes can see. Women by birth or by heart should be given equal rights, respect and opportunity” Mr. Pascua – Homelife Supervisor said in his opening remarks.

The Haven for Women (HFW) opens the celebration of National Women’s Month with the theme “WE for gender equality and inclusive society” on March 2, 2023 at HFW social hall.

The National Women’s Month aims to raise awareness for gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) in the Philippines.

The program started with the kick-off parade of the residents and staff around the compound of Haven for Women and Marilac Hills, showcasing the Advocacy Posters created by the residents during the Women’s Month Poster Making contest on March 1, 2023.

One participant explained that she purposely exchanged the colors of the gender signs to signify that there are men who are women in heart and there are women that have a soul of a man. She further emphasized as a member of the LGBTQ+ community that she can do what is expected from a male which should be respected.

Furthermore, the “One Billion Rising” was re-launched as part of the celebration where all staff and residents actively participated in the dance number to show support for women’s empowerment and end violence against women.

Haven for Women’s month-long celebration includes a lecture on the Magna Carta for Women, Peryahan sa Haven for Women, Yoga sessions, cervical cancer screening, Educational trip for selected residents and the culminating activity for the celebration. ###

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