Philippine Airlines (PAL) belong to the top 10 biggest companies in the Philippines.  Its social responsibility is reflected in its advocacy by complying with the law on extending the provision of jobs to persons with disabilities (PWD).

PAL has been a long-term partner of Rehabilitation Sheltered Workshop (RSW) for almost five decades, providing opportunities and employment to PWDs by giving them support to work in sanitizing headsets.

Three personnel from PAL Inflight visited the Rehabilitation Sheltered Workshop on April 26, 2023. RSW Production Supervisor – Michael De Guzman, PAL Focal Person – Racquel Camcam, and Ms. Jona Concepcion – PAL Project Supervisor led the visitors to the production area to show the procedures for sanitizing the headsets. While exploring the area, the guests had a chance to observe the actual operation of how the headsets are being sanitized and the processes involved in the production.

Staff and officers from RSW and PAL were able to talk about proposals for possible improvements of the programs and services offered for PWD clients within the partnership. The guests also commended the structured and efficient working area in the facility. The visitation ran smoothly while the guests were inspired by the skilled clients.

Moreover, the continuous support of the Department and its partners in implementing the programs and services enabled RSW to provide opportunities to thirty-two persons with special needs, making them productive and self-reliant, living with honor and dignity in life and with their families. ###

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