DSWD enjoins the public to address street dwellings

The Department of Social Welfare and Development – National Capital Region (DSWD-NCR) encouraged the public to help in addressing the cases of street dwellings during the simultaneous conduct of Advocacy Walk for Oplan Balik Bahay Sagip Buhay (OBBSB) under the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer for Homeless Street Families (MCCT-HSF) program held today in Quirino Grand continue reading : DSWD enjoins the public to address street dwellings

DSWD’s Marillac Hills capacitated staff to handle gender issues

  To further equip the staff of Marillac Hills, a center that is being managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development – National Capital Region (DSWD-NCR), some 28 staff of are underwent a Gender and Development Training cum Team Building activity to enhance their knowledge on gender sensitivity, held on December 23-24, 2015 continue reading : DSWD’s Marillac Hills capacitated staff to handle gender issues

Ahon Kabuhayan association president shares secret on continuous business growth

Welma Fernandez, 68 years old and president of “Barangay 142, Zone 42 Ahon Kabuhayan Association” shared how she and their association sustained their businesses that led to the receipt of their fourth cycle capital assistance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development – National Capital Region (DSWD-NCR), in partnership with the Philippine Goodworks Mission continue reading : Ahon Kabuhayan association president shares secret on continuous business growth