Elsie Gaches Village – A residential care facility that provides care and rehabilitation services to abandoned and neglected children with special needs such as those with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, visual and hearing impairment, mental retardation, autism and other related conditions.
Location: NCR – Alabang, Zapote Road, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Services Provided:
Social Services:
Individual/group counseling, contact to families for reintegration, referrals, provision of spiritual, recreational and socio- cultural activities.
Health Services:
Medical, dental and nursing services
Referral to hospitals
Medical examination and treatment
Sick- bay facility for sick and convalescing clients
Paramedical Services:
Physical, occupational and speech therapy
Homelife Services:
Basic clothing
Personal effects for maintenance of health, proper sanitation and hygiene
Dietary Services:
Provision of appropriate and nutritious food to meet the nutritional needs of the clients
Psychological Services:
Psychological testing and evaluation
Counseling and psychotherapy
Spiritual Service:
Varied spiritual activities aimed at strengthening the resident’s faith and relationship with GOD
Productivity Services:
Provision of therapeutic and productive activities for self- development and self reliance. Projects include gardening, animal raising, horticulture, handicraft and others
Special Education Services:
Training along self- care and grooming
Social skills
Functional 3R
Development of positive attitude and self- confidence
Recreational and other Cultural Activities:
Indoor and outdoor activities
Community Participation:
Participation in selected community activities and using available community resources and services like schools, health centers, hospitals, markets, churches and facilities or offices for employment
Sanctuary Center – A residential facility that serves as halfway home to female 18 years-old and above who are improving from psychosis and other mental illnesses
Location: NCR – Welfareville Compound, Mandaluyong City
Services Provided:
Social Services:
Provision of continuous, comprehensive rehabilitation services to enable residents to adjust to communal living. These services also aim to enhance and develop the clients capacity to use their own resources, the resources of the residential facility and of the community.
Home life and Substitute Family Care:
Provision of comfortable living quarters and home life atmosphere
Food, clothing, beddings and necessary personal effects for maintenance of health, good sanitation and hygiene
Health Services:
Consultation and treatment
Referral for special physical and psychiatric examination and hospitalization
Referral for laboratory tests
Productivity and Occupational Therapy Services:
Provision of occupational activity aimed at developing or utilizing the vocational skills of clients that will enable them to be useful and productive
Psychological Services:
Provision of activities that aims to develop healthy attitude towards self, others and the environment
Provision of structured learning experiences and group interaction
Psychological testing and evaluation
Counseling and psychotherapy
Spiritual Service:
Varied spiritual activities aimed at strengthening the residents’ faith and relationship with GOD
Dietary Service:
Provision of appropriate and nutritious food to meet the nutritional needs of the clients
Placement Services:
Concerned with the economic sufficiency of the trained clients achieve though selective placement.
Recreational and other Cultural Activities:
Indoor and outdoor activities
Community Participation:
Participation in selected community activities and using available community resources and services like schools, health centers, hospitals, markets, churches and facilities or offices for employment
Jose Fabella Center – A residential facility that provides temporary shelter for strandees, vagrants and mendicants.
Location: NCR -Welfareville, Correctional Road, Mandaluyong City
Services Provided:
Social Services:
Provision of services that aim to help clients adjust and participate in a therapeutic community
Medical/ Psychiatric Services:
Consultation and treatment
Referral for special physical examination, hospitalization, dental x-ray, laboratory and psychiatric evaluation
Homelife Services:
Provision of food, clothing and relatively comfortable quarters to the clients.
Spiritual Service:
Varied spiritual activities aimed at strengthening the resident’s faith and relationship with GOD
Dietary Services:
Provision of appropriate and nutritious food to meet the nutritional needs of the clients
Psychological Services:
Evaluation of clients personality and mental capacity to determine their inclination to vocational/occupational interests and preferences
Productivity Services:
Provision of varied income-generating activities for clients to gain new skills and become productive
Follow-Up Services:
Home visits, referrals for transfer to other institutions for further rehabilitation services and follow’up to determine client’s progress
Recreational and other Cultural Activities:
Indoor and outdoor activities
Community Participation:
Participation in selected community activities and using available community resources and services like schools, health centers, hospitals, markets, churches and facilities or offices for employment

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