SLP Participants attend Seminar on Business Opportunities

Participants from the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) attended a seminar on Business Opportunities on November 7, 2018 at the Negosyo Center, Mandaluyong City. The seminar consisted of a series of talks on various topics related to starting and managing micro-enterprises such as recoggnizing opportunities for businesses, financial wellness and retail selling. The talks were given continue reading : SLP Participants attend Seminar on Business Opportunities

DSWD NCR continues efforts for COS staff of PSP, CIU and Lingap

The 2018 GAA provisions for the administrative cost of PSP for 2018 were set at 5% contrary to the customary GAA provision of 12%. This change in the GAA provision affected the salaries of the workers which is commensurate to an amount which is equal to the salaries of 836 PSP workers from January to continue reading : DSWD NCR continues efforts for COS staff of PSP, CIU and Lingap